Aim First Firearms LLC
1147 Old William Penn highway
Blairsville, Pa 15717
We now offer the following:
*NFA engraving
*Full-Service Machine Shop
*Full-Service Gunsmithing
*Laser engraving
*Class 3 Items
Law Enforcement Only
* Custom Full auto builds
* Custom 3 round Burst Builds
The pricing you see listed for all firearms DOES NOT including the in house transfer cost. The transfer Cost Will be $35.00 Per Firearm that is delivered to our store.
When you check out it will automatically add on $5.00, this will cover the PICS cost.
*When your firearm is ready to be picked up you will receive a phone call informing you that your transfer is ready. If you are awaiting a firearm transfer, please make sure your voicemail is set up and able to receive messages. When the firearm arrives, it will be processed into our system, this means that while your tracking may say that the firearm has arrived at our facility it will not be ready until we call you (72-Hours Processing Time).
*The customer will be expected to pick up their transfer within 15-Days of being contacted.
After 15 days, if the transfer has not been picked up the customer will be assessed a daily storage fee of $10/day beginning on the 16th day.
*After 30 days, if the firearm has not been picked up, the firearm will be considered abandoned, and it will be absorbed into store stock with no expectation of any further compensation to the customer.
Used Firearms
The seller provides all descriptions for used items. All descriptions for used items are honest and based on actual items being offered for sale. Items being sold in this manner will be marked as such. All sales on used items are final. Photos will be provided when available. All machine guns are considered used unless otherwise noted.
All Sales on AMMO & FIREARMS are FINAL No Refunds or Exchanges
anything purchased from our website that is not picked up. Or is no longer wanted will be charged a 75% restocking fee
If you want to order a specific firearm that we do not have it store. We will order it with 30% down.
Once the order has arrived and is ready to pick up, we will notify you. You will then have 15 days from that date to come in and complete the purchase. after the 30 days IT WILL BE returned to store inventory and no refunds will be returned to the customer.
The special order item will only be held for 30 days. unless prior arrangements are made. once the 30 days are up. If the item still is not paid for you will forfeit any amount of money you put down and the special order item itself.
Background Checks
A check will be done when you arrive to pick up your firearm, YOU MUST have a VALID Driver's License with the correct address or a valid change of address card.